A job for their mom or dad. Money for the heating bill. Food or a place to live. Maybe gloves or boots. 给父亲或者母亲的一份工作;取暖费;食物或住所;也可能是手套或靴子。
Frankly speaking, I don't have enough money to pay the bill. 坦白地说,我的钱不够付帐单。
If you have the money, pay the bill as soon as it comes in. 如果你手上有钱,那么账单寄到时尽快支付。
To check whether you have enough money to pay the bill, get the price 要查看您是否带了足够的钱来付账,可以获取价格
They accrue money by having their resources bill time to a process owner. 他们要通过让他们的人员给过程所有者开据时间帐单来挣钱。
The fear of missing out is overwhelming the fear of losing money, as Bill Gurley of Benchmark Capital warned recently. BenchmarkCapital的比尔•格利(BillGurley)最近警告称,错过的恐惧压倒了赔钱的恐惧。
They can trick you into thinking you're not spending money because the bill doesn't come until later. 信用卡能诱惑你以为不是花钱,因为在你购物后,账单不是你马上就看得到。
I protested and in the end left her more money than what the bill asked for. 我表示强烈不同意,最后留了比账单上要多的钱。
The young man said he and his college roommate had overspent during their vacation and did not have enough money to pay their hotel bill. 年轻人说他和大学里的一位室友假期花费太多,没有足够的钱支付旅馆的费用了。
Everybody knows the US dollar is in decline, but China has to keep buying US treasury bills-using the Chinese people's hard-earned money to foot the bill for the spendthrift America. 面对人人皆知的「没落中的美元」,中国还要动用外汇储备不断买入美国债券,广大中国人民胼手胝足、辛勤所得,就这样替挥霍无度的美国埋单。
That will save a lot of money on my water bill. 那样一来可以省下我不少水费。
I am in a jam because I do not have enough money to foot the bill. 我带的钱不够付账,处境很狼狈。
Some of the funds could come from Fermilab budget, but the lab is likely to need an additional injection of money to foot the bill, sources say. 有动静来历说,一些资金可以来自费米国家加速器尝试室的财政预算,可是尝试室可能需要增添货泉投入以资付账。
Finishing stroke money had a supplier to open tax bill at that time, but bazaar overwhelms the paragraph to just made a money june, result tax bill expires, bazaar asks now our reopen, excuse me whether reopen? 最后一笔款当时有供给商开了税票,但商场把款压到6月份才打款,结果税票过期,现在商场要求我们重开,请问能否重开?
The lights are kept off to save money on the electricity bill. 为了省电费,灯都关着。
Having persuaded many of their billionaire peers in the us into giving away chunks of money, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are travelling to China to host newly minted Chinese tycoons to sell them on the value of philanthropy. 在成功劝说多位美国亿万富翁同伴们捐赠大笔财富之后,比尔盖茨(billgates)与沃伦巴菲特(warrenbuffett)正前往中国,结交中国新生富豪,向他们宣传慈善价值观。
This is probably why the special interests have spent a lot of time and money lobbying to kill or weaken the bill. 这可能就是特殊利益集团花费大量时间和金钱游说议员来否决和削弱改革法案的原因。
She accumulated some pocket money and paid the bill. 她攒了一些零花钱,今天晚上是她花钱结帐的。
Replacing an old refrigerator or an air conditioner with an energy-efficient model will save you money on your electricity bill and cut global warming pollution. 更换旧冰箱和空调时请选择节能型号,这将帮你节省电费开支,同时减少全球变暖的污染。
Netizens in China's cyberspace are snapping up Zimbabwe's old money, notably the100 trillion dollar bill, the Henan Business Daily reported. 一种100万亿面额的津巴布韦纸币日前受到中国网民追捧。
If entrepreneurs and business owners do remove money to reduce their likely tax bill, the money won't be in the companies and therefore available for investment. 如果企业家和企业主为了减少潜在税额真的转出资金,那钱就不会留存在企业里,也就无法用于投资。
"She didn't have enough money to pay the bill, so her friend stayed behind as a human deposit while she went to withdraw cash," said a spokesman for police. “她没有足够的钱付账,所以她的朋友被留下来当抵押,而她自己去取钱,”警方发言人说。
The government now realises that employers are making money but they pay the bill – the political bill, he says. 他表示:政府现在意识到,赚钱的是老板们,而埋单政治账单的却是自己。
My friend and I had just finished lunch at an expensive restaurant when we realized that we did not have enough money to pay the bill. 当我们意识到我们所带的钱不够付账时,我和我的朋友在一家豪华饭店里刚刚用完午餐。
Among them, the discount loan shall be measured by maturity value of the discount bill, and the difference between the maturity value of the discount bill and the money paid for the discount bill shall be accounted into the current profit and loss as discount interest. 其中,贴现贷款应以贴现票据的到期价值计量,贴现票据的到期价值与支付的票据贴现款项之间的差额,作为贴现利息,计入贴现当期损益。
The following water conservation programs will help you save money on your water bill and conserve water, our most valuable resource. 这个网站上的这些节水工程将会帮助人们节省最宝贵的水资源和金钱。
Of course, it would be awkward if she had not money enough either to pay the bill. 当然,如果她的钱也不够付帐的话,那就尴尬了。
Paper Market is a basic money market, main including commercial bill of exchange market, promissory note market and other short-term bond market. 票据市场是基础性的货币市场,主要包括商业汇票市场、商业本票市场及其他短期债券市场。
As the essential equipment of paper money transaction automation, the bill acceptor not only is undertaking the most basic paper money recognition and the receive function, moreover must adapt the management of network to need to increase the corresponding function. 作为纸币交易实现自动化的关键设备,纸币识别器不仅承担着最基本的纸币识别和接收功能,而且必须适应网络化管理的需要增加相应的功能。
With the development of capital market and money market, bill market has become an important subsidiary market of the money market. 近年来,伴随着我国资本市场和票据市场的发展,票据市场已逐渐成为货币市场的一个重要组成部分。